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This CD is a collection of 12 songs

of rare beauty with orchestral




“Creating the songs for INSIDE OF ME was the outpouring of an awakening process. This led me through memories and feelings to the pure language of the soul. I recorded INSIDE OF ME so that the songs will reach out and touch your heart also, help you mend the relationship with yourself and others, and give you the assurance that you are loved, innocent and free."

The melodies and lyrics take you by the hand and let you know that you are not alone. They accompany you through the sunlight and rain of your emotional being, touching the heart of your essence and allowing you to open to the healing wonder of your life journey.

“Judy Armstrong’s recorded music is filled with inspiration, yet to feel even more of this woman’s loving energy expressed through sound, be sure to create the opportunity to attend one of her live performances.”

Kelly Tobey, Integrative Transformational

Processing Facilitator, Calgary AB, Canada

“Judy’s music comes straight from the heart – a heart filled with beauty and grace and great enthusiasm for life.”

Lency Spezzano, M.S. International Workshop Facilitator, Hawaii

"Judy's music uplifts one's soul and being. Her sounds caress the fiber of my heart and help me rejoice to be alive."

Mark Victor Hansen, Co-author of Bestseller Series, Chicken Soup for the Soul

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