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Composed of 10 songs, accompanied

by orchestra and taking you through

many different musical styles,

"Let Your Heart Sing" celebrates

Oneness and the gifts of your life in

each moment.



From the first song, ‘Let Your Heart Sing’ to the laid-back ‘Life Can Be Easy’, to the profound ‘Hold the Light’, to the up-tempo, ‘Give Yourself Love’ to the powerful ‘The Time is Now’, the music calls your heart to open to the Joy of Being. It affirms that we are all interconnected and holds the vision that together we can co-create a new earth of peace and abundance for all.

"Judy’s music inspires me to reach inside, search and find myself. The combination of words, music and voice achieve a listening thrill. The composition and performance is a musical feast that enriches the soul.”

Judy Richards, Past Manager

Coquitlam Centre, BC, Canada

“Judy’s voice seems to come from the heavens. It has the ability to reach down inside my being and literally pull forth tears of great joy."

Kelly Tobey, Integrative Transformational

Processing Facilitator, Calgary AB, Canada

“Judy's music and depth of soul is beyond shining, it is unlimited light and love. I have used Judy's powerful music and words for not only my own spiritual growth and healing, but also in my coaching, facilitation and consulting programs with hundreds of women for years. Her music and spiritual essence is a big part of my spiritual toolkit.”

Laura Simonson, Founder of Indogo and Modern Vegan Family, Don't Forget Fido, Vancouver, BC

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